How Campaigns are Chosen

UU Mass Action works in collaboration with multiple coalition partners.  We re-evaluate our issues and programs every two years, in alignment with the legislative session timeline.  At the beginning of each new session, we:

  • Talk with our membership to learn more about the social justice actions that are both priorities for them and in which they are engaged.  

  • Collaborate with our coalition partners, which include labor and interfaith partners and frontline partners and leaders who are directly impacted by specific issues of injustice. Collectively, we identify priorities which will be addressed in the coming year.

  • Assess legislative momentum – identifying which issues are poised to move in the coming year in which our support will have an impact.

  • Identify the most vulnerable people in Massachusetts who are the targets of oppressive policy.

  • Uphold the commitments we have made and continue our work to dismantle systems of oppression.

 After completing our assessment, we identify the issues in which we will commit our organizing efforts over the next two years.  Programming and the various tactics in which we engage will evolve over the two-year period, but our commitment to the issues remain.

Once the projects are established, the overall strategy and goals are determined collectively by the coalitions involved.  The coalitions we join include organizations comprised of people who are most directly affected by the issue.  These are our partner organizations.  UU Mass Action organizers (Exec Director and volunteer issues team leaders) engage with the issue coalition teams in developing the tactical plan to achieve the goals (issue coalition team is comprised of community partners, inter-faith community, UU congregation partners).

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